Minggu, 08 Februari 2015


yeayyyy!! such a sweet moment atau ya bisa dibilang kenang kenangan juga deh buat gue yg berstatus job on vacation, kerja nya kukulilingan endonesah.. salah satunya gue pernah berpartisipasi di acara BALI COLOR RUN&PARTY 2014.
judulnya aja, run&party .udah kebayang sih pasti party-nya rame dan kebayang ga sih ?hampir 10.000 orang panginten oge langkung, anu ngiringan eta acara.ehe
kalo saya, waktu itu prepare ngikut acara ini ngajakin si 'eva(kembaran) , teteh(fitri,kaka gue), om ketjeh (uncle gue) dan kang hanhan (admin SF sabili foundation).
tapi juga gak lupa sama kak beni, kak made buwana arisusena dan juga kak boby and ofcourse temen2 UNITED BALI yang bikin acaranya tambah rame (buat gue)
sumpah.. riweuh banget !judulya lari, eh realitanya semua mengharapkan pulang dapet selfie dan video keren abizzzzzzzzz yang pasti bakal langsung di posting di tweet,ig,path nya para jelema kekinian termasuk gue pake hastag #BALICOLORRUN&PARTY2014 dari H-2bulan pun, account twitter sudah ramai oleh para kita kita yang pada ngikut color run.
pagi2 udah bangun, karena 'KATANYA' lari start jam 06.00 s/d selesai. tapi you know?

jam7 baru start nyaanna mah dan pabaliut ku eperibadeh yang make baju dan setelan hampir sarua, terkhusus anak anak gaul bali yg pd pake hotpant,rambut bentuk lurus,bawa tongsis, gak lupa fisheye sama kacamata kece nya dipake. difoto pak efek chrome di iphone biar agak cerah wkwkwkw
yaaaaa keren lah pokokna, meski cuma gue ,om ketjeh dan kang hanhan yang dapet medali,
ternyata medali teh buat 100 pelari pertama doang yuhuuuu! i got blue medal ma fav color..
dengan memilih angka 2 ujungnya karena 2 angka favorit gue, hehehe ahirnya ngeksis juga disitu. di background BALI COLORRUN&PARTY nya dan tau ga? mesti antri kaya mau dapet BLT tau eh enggak ketah leubay teuing BLT mah. yaa pokokna gantian weh buat dipoto disitu teh..
nampak bengeut yang udah kucumus sama kesang tapi baju warna warni nya ituloh, yang bikin rame. yuhuuuuuuu selfie everywhere yeah ~~

tuh,, sebelum pulang kita mencoba berpartisipasi bayar 10.000 dipoto langsung jadidisponsori oleh "PROMAN" wkwkwk
sekian BALI COLOR RUN&PARTY 2014 nya si bawel, si mpi, si vivi.. hehe enjoyed guys^_^
ohiyaa, ini juga bisa jadi referensi buat kota kamu yang mau mengadakan acara COLOR RUN&PARTY juga..

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015

3 reasons every ENTREPENEUR needs to take vacation time

The lack of personal time is a major concern by employees who are struggling, trying to live a more balanced life. In a new study between my company and CareerArc, we found that 67 percent of HR professionals think their employees have a work-life balance, yet almost half (45 percent) of employees feel that they don't have enough time each week to do personal activities.
Some employees (20 percent) are even spending more than 20 hours each week working outside the office on their personal time. They simply can't balance their work time and personal time because management expects them to be on call more hours during the day. New technologies and globalization have expanded the typical 9-to-5 workday into a 24/7 "always on" business environment that's almost inescapable.
While technology -- including smartphones, gamification and social networking -- has helped employees develop stronger networks, learn faster and become more valuable to employers, it's also broken the boundaries we all used to have between our personal and professional lives.
Related: Gen Z Employees: The 5 Attributes You Need to Know
In the survey, we found that 65 percent of employees say that their manager expects them to be reachable outside of the office by either email or phone. Sixty-four percent of HR professionals said they have those same expectations. While HR suffers from the same work-life imbalance as all employees do, they typically don't have the hours of IT, customer service professionals and sales people, who have to base their time on the customer's needs -- some of whom might be in other countries where time zones are different.

A growing need for flexibility

These growing concerns from employees have forced HR to start prioritizing workplace flexibility programs. More than half (53 percent) of companies surveyed plan to invest more in their programs this year because they are receiving tangible benefits, including improved employee satisfaction (87 percent) and increased productivity (71 percent). Employers are also seeing their retention rate increasing and their recruiting strategy becoming more effective as a result.
In order to get a better handle on how to construct the right program for your organization, HR should survey them to see what benefits are most important, and employees should speak up to HR or their managers about their work-life issues. For instance, companies can experiment by having their employees work from home one day a week or by giving them business phones that they can shut off after a certain hour each day.

Related: Why 'Gen Z' May Be More Entrepreneurial Than 'Gen Y'
Some companies are leading the way with successful programs, including Aetna and MITRE. At Aetna, nearly half of their workforce can work from home full-time, which many companies were concerned about in our study. We found that HR feels that the biggest concern of establishing a program is employees abusing the system (42 percent). This was not an issue at Aetna, which has built a culture of trust, lowered its turnover and improved employee productivity. In the process, Aetna says it saves about $80 million annually.
At MITRE, 90 percent of the company’s workforce engages in some form of flexibility, whether it's a shortened workweek or some form of telecommuting. After surveying their workforce on the top reasons why they work at the company, their flexibility program has consistently surfaced as one of the top reasons.
Workplace flexibility programs will continue to be in high demand because of advances in technology, globalization, companies wanting to cut down on real estate costs, and more millennials having children. Based on the preferences of employees, and their numerous employment choices, I believe that all companies in the future will offer at least a basis program for employees. This new standard will be good, not just for employees of all ages and positions, but for HR professionals who will seek the same support.

yg mau jadi entrepeneur kaya saya, semoga jadi referensi :D hehe
sumber : http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/242620